Talent Acquisition Partner (m/w/d)

Einsatzort: Immenstaad

Kennziffer: IMM-60558152

Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit


Anna Wiens

+49 906 705 540 5-21





Come to AERO - partner of Airbus and one of the largest personnel service providers in aerospace! With AERO you can find your dream job in a permanent position. We offer you a varied and demanding area of ​​responsibility with our world-leading customer, which is specialized in military aviation, military and civil space systems as well as sensors and communication technology for defence and security.
Our services
  • a permanent employment contract
  • a 35 hour week
  • 30 days annual vacation
  • the payment is included to EG 15, ERA BW
  • Comprehensive support from experienced colleagues
  • Employee corporate benefits
Your tasks
  • Recruit the right people for the right place at the right moment by respecting Airbus processes and policies, Ethics & Compliance Rules and Airbus Values
  • Partner with hiring managers to understand the organization’s needs in order to describe with them the profile that will meet business expectations
  • Define the most appropriate sourcing strategy, channels and social media to identify and attract the most talented people (passive or active sourcing)
  • Build strategic talent pipelines
  • Create attractive, compliant and diversity-friendly job adverts to promote the jobs and screen applications
  • Assess the potential of candidates by using the latest tools and technologies (video, tests, virtual reality assessment etc.)
  • Provide expert knowledge on candidate profiles, sourcing strategies and the external job market reality
  • Actively contribute to the final candidate selection and decision making process
  • Plan and participate in employment marketing events
  • Act with integrity and with respect to the company’s reputation when representing Airbus externally
Your qualifications
  • successfully completed studies in Business Administration, Social Sciences/Humanities, Psychology or similar
  • profound experience in talent acquisition or employment related activities is required
  • labor market knowledge and social media skills are required
  • very good German and English language skills
  • a self-confident personality with integrity
Dare today. Excited tomorrow. We look forward to your application.
Exactly yours? Send us your electronic application documents today, consisting of a detailed CV and your references (school, training and work references, other certificates and certificates) with a maximum size of 4 MB. Please use the “APPLY NOW” button.

This position involves temporary employment for our customer in the aerospace industry. At AERO - a partner of Airbus - you have a permanent employment contract and are looked after by specialists right from the start; be it the topic of application, hiring, billing or business trips as well as all other questions.








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